Avian: Birds in a Changing World


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AVIAN: Birds in a Changing World, is a natural blend of the missions of two California non-profit organizations based in the Sierra Foothills surrounding Yosemite National Park. Yosemite Audubon focuses on birds and their habitats, conserving and restoring natural ecosystems, and on educating and inspiring others to help protect them. Sierra Art Trails is dedicated to promoting artists and artisans, art education, and cultural tourism.

Bird Combo Image
Photographs, © 2017 David Hoffman: 2nd and 6th images, © 2017 Monique Wales: 4th image, © 2017 Carolyn Hartling


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Avian: Birds in a Changing World Exhibit
and Make a Contribution to Sierra Art Trails |
Yosemite Audubon through PayPal

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